- Ph.D in Geological Sciences and Applied Mathematics, University of British Columbia, 2025 (expected)
- B.S. in Mathematical Sciences, with distinction, University of British Columbia, 2020
Work experience
- 2019: Research Assistant
- University of British Columbia
- Supervisor: Dr. Valentina Radic
- 2017-2018: Data analyst/ Research Assistant
- BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit
- Supervisor: Dr. Ian Pike
- 2016-2019: Data analytics assistant
- UBC Development and Alumni Engagement
- Supervisor: Dr. Claudia Rangel
- EOSC 533- Advanced Groundwater Hydrology (2021,2022,2023)
- EOSC 118- Earth’s Treasures: Gold and Gems (2022)
- EOSC 116- Mesozoic Earth: Time of the Dinosaurs (2024)
Awards and Research Funding
- President’s Academic Excellence Initiative PhD Award (2021-2024)
- NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships – Doctoral (PGS-D) (2021-2024)
- Biology Undergraduate Diversity in Research Microexerience Grant (2022)
- REX Award for Research in Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science (2021)
- SURE: Science Undergraduate Research Experience (2019)
- Canadian Journal of Undergraduate Reseach
- Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference
- International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)
- Water Resources Research (WRR)
- Nature Scientific Data
- Journal of Hydrology
Event Organizer
- Data-Guided Synthesis of Critical Zone Processes (AGU 2023)
- Learning From Data With Information Theory and Causal Inference (SIAM Annual Meeting 2024)